dilluns, 15 de juny del 2015


Today we have beenin the virtual room, where there are a lot of tablets, computers and a projector.
We had to surf the internet and going to Minomo, a web page where you can do a multimedia presentation so we had to mae a ''little concert'' with videos from YouTube. Every group made one. Then we saw all of them at the projector which was controlled by Simone.


Today, in PI, we have been seing the interviews to foreigners form all over Europe and America that our classmates did with goups of 3-5.
We started with our video (Mª Victoria, Mª Trini, Mónica, Inés and me). It cost to record, edit and translate the conversation putting the subtitles under the screen, but it was well worth.
Then, we saw the other interviews, some were heard better than others but, in the end, all of them were good.