dilluns, 15 de juny del 2015


Today we have beenin the virtual room, where there are a lot of tablets, computers and a projector.
We had to surf the internet and going to Minomo, a web page where you can do a multimedia presentation so we had to mae a ''little concert'' with videos from YouTube. Every group made one. Then we saw all of them at the projector which was controlled by Simone.


Today, in PI, we have been seing the interviews to foreigners form all over Europe and America that our classmates did with goups of 3-5.
We started with our video (Mª Victoria, Mª Trini, Mónica, Inés and me). It cost to record, edit and translate the conversation putting the subtitles under the screen, but it was well worth.
Then, we saw the other interviews, some were heard better than others but, in the end, all of them were good.

dilluns, 2 de març del 2015

Education is wasted in some people.

Writing. "Education is wasted in some people"

As says the title, many people think that education is wasted on children and teenagers who don't pay attention in class, they don't work neither at home nor in class; what should do the Ministry of education?
I think it's worth spending time with these children and teenagers who don't fit in the system, assign expert people to lead them to the correct road it's a very good idea in my opinion. We must think they are people like us with another mentality who just need help to organize and clarify their ideas.
To sum up, education is wasted if people who needs help to go on doesn't recieve help.

diumenge, 22 de febrer del 2015


Topic: A language course timetable

Learnng English-Discuss your experience of learning English
                            How much do you study?
                            Do you enjoy studying English?
                            Do you enjoy this subject? Why?
                            What areyour expectations of the subject?
                            What would you like to do every Monday to improve English?


1-Break (recreo)  2-class (clase)  3-culture (cultura)  4-current affairs (actualidades)
5-folder (carpeta)  6-Grade (grado)  7-language laboratory ("laboratorio de lenguaje")
8-lesson (lección)  9-library (librería)  10-News (noticias) 11-presentation skills
12-pronounciation (pronunciación) 13-review (revisar)  14-timetable (calendario/programa)
15-tour (gira/visitar)  16-vocabulary development (desarrollo de vocabulario)
17-wonderful (precioso).


  Name                     Job
1 Miss. Watson             Centre manager
2 Miss. Jones                Director of studies
3 Mr. Brown                 Social organizer

a) 10%
b) read
c) grammar
d) news
e) british culture
f) any problems you may have
g) library
h) 8:30 am

A miracle cure (health and fitness)

Topic: A miracle cure (health and fitness)

Believe it or not:


Ache (verb): (doler), alternative medicine (medicina alternativa), awful (malísimo), bone (hueso), bowl (bol), determined (decidido), disease (enfermedad), energy (energía), herb (hierba), hut (choza), in pain (con dolor), liquid (líquido), miracle (milagro), mountain (montaña), mud (barro), rare (raro), sick (enfermo), swear (curar), village (aldea, pueblecito), wheelchair (silla de ruedas), witchdoctor (brujo/curandero).

-In pairs, make a definition for ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE.
A different method of treating diseases, using herbs, luiquids, etc.

-Write a story that happened to you. It could be about a health problem or other topic. Choose a true story or make one up. (80 words)

More than two years ago, in September 2012, I was training with the first team of my club of futsal, it was one of the first trainings of the season. I was 14 years old, when one of my teammates went running, but he didn't see me and hit me with his knee to my leg. He hurt me and spent a month home and I almost could not walk. In the moment that he hit me, I thought he had broken my leg.

The right person for the job.

Topic: Job interview.

Vocabulary: Ability (habilidad), ambition (ambición), assistant (asistente), counter (mostrador, ventanilla), equipment (equipamiento), experience (experiencia), factory (fábrica), fault (fallo), improve (mejorar), knowledge (conocimiento), maintain (mantener), motivated (motivado), process (proceso), product (producto), standard (exigencia estándar), supervise (supervisar), vacancy (ocupado o no).

Company name: In or out to lunch Catering Services
Job: Assistant

1-What can you tell me abot yourself?
2-How do you get on with people?
3-Why do you want this job?
4-What do you know about the company and the job itself?
5-Why do you think you can do the job?
6-What qualities would you bring to the job?
7-Why should we employ you?





Factor (factor), generate (generar), ideal (ideal), the next best thing (la siguiente mejor cosa), pros and cons (pros y contras), virtual language school (escuela virtual de idiomas), useful (útil), useless (inútil).


Have you  ever been to an English-speaking country to study English?

When I was doing 3rd of ESO I travelled to Malta with all the classes that were doing 3rd of ESO too.
There, the Maltese people speak English, Maltesse and I think something of Italian (I'm not sure).
We stand there for a week and I think it was useful.
We lived with a family, so we had to practise English whether wanted or not.

               Virtual school
               Pros                 -          cons
You can study at home      You can't speak directly
                                           with the teacher
You decide when you        The internet conection
start                                    could fail
                                           The teacher can't help you
                                           You don't make friends

The virtual language school- not language travel-is now the the best way to learn English.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

We (our group) disagree with this statement. When you travel to another country, you have to speak in the native language whether wanted or not.
In a virtual school you can't practise the pronounciation. In a virtual school you haven't got a teacher who corrects you at the moment.

I hate my job!

Complaining about work

Key language:

Boss (jefe), complain (quejarse), costumer services (servicio al cliente), depressed (deprimido), disservice (que no atiende bien), fiver (billete de 5 libras británicas), get someone down (deprimir alguien), mad (loco, enfadado), moan (queja, gemido), quit (dejar un trabajo, juego...), sales (ventas), servant (sirviente), social life (vida social).
Grave digger (enterrador)

d) He used to get up at 10 am and now he gets up at 6 am.
c) The weather is bad.
f) He feels like a servant.
e) It makes him depressed.
b) Lunch costs him more than he earns an hour.
a) He's too tired to social life.

What a waste!

Barbecue (barbacoa), complicated (complicado), cool "fashionable"(de moda), criticism (crítica), expert at (experto en), fancy (imaginar o gustar), fit (en forma), fly (volar), fortune (fortuna), go on about "complain" (quejarse), go out "socialise" (salir), quid (pound), sick of (no tolerar), spend a fortune (gastar una fortuna), waste of money ( derroche de dinero).

Person's name               what they wasted their money on

Jane                                                         On a pair of boots

Rodney                                                    On a barbecue

Simon                                                      On some glasses

Kate                                                         On a laptop