diumenge, 22 de febrer del 2015

The right person for the job.

Topic: Job interview.

Vocabulary: Ability (habilidad), ambition (ambición), assistant (asistente), counter (mostrador, ventanilla), equipment (equipamiento), experience (experiencia), factory (fábrica), fault (fallo), improve (mejorar), knowledge (conocimiento), maintain (mantener), motivated (motivado), process (proceso), product (producto), standard (exigencia estándar), supervise (supervisar), vacancy (ocupado o no).

Company name: In or out to lunch Catering Services
Job: Assistant

1-What can you tell me abot yourself?
2-How do you get on with people?
3-Why do you want this job?
4-What do you know about the company and the job itself?
5-Why do you think you can do the job?
6-What qualities would you bring to the job?
7-Why should we employ you?

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