diumenge, 22 de febrer del 2015

A miracle cure (health and fitness)

Topic: A miracle cure (health and fitness)

Believe it or not:


Ache (verb): (doler), alternative medicine (medicina alternativa), awful (malísimo), bone (hueso), bowl (bol), determined (decidido), disease (enfermedad), energy (energía), herb (hierba), hut (choza), in pain (con dolor), liquid (líquido), miracle (milagro), mountain (montaña), mud (barro), rare (raro), sick (enfermo), swear (curar), village (aldea, pueblecito), wheelchair (silla de ruedas), witchdoctor (brujo/curandero).

-In pairs, make a definition for ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE.
A different method of treating diseases, using herbs, luiquids, etc.

-Write a story that happened to you. It could be about a health problem or other topic. Choose a true story or make one up. (80 words)

More than two years ago, in September 2012, I was training with the first team of my club of futsal, it was one of the first trainings of the season. I was 14 years old, when one of my teammates went running, but he didn't see me and hit me with his knee to my leg. He hurt me and spent a month home and I almost could not walk. In the moment that he hit me, I thought he had broken my leg.

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