diumenge, 22 de febrer del 2015





Factor (factor), generate (generar), ideal (ideal), the next best thing (la siguiente mejor cosa), pros and cons (pros y contras), virtual language school (escuela virtual de idiomas), useful (útil), useless (inútil).


Have you  ever been to an English-speaking country to study English?

When I was doing 3rd of ESO I travelled to Malta with all the classes that were doing 3rd of ESO too.
There, the Maltese people speak English, Maltesse and I think something of Italian (I'm not sure).
We stand there for a week and I think it was useful.
We lived with a family, so we had to practise English whether wanted or not.

               Virtual school
               Pros                 -          cons
You can study at home      You can't speak directly
                                           with the teacher
You decide when you        The internet conection
start                                    could fail
                                           The teacher can't help you
                                           You don't make friends

The virtual language school- not language travel-is now the the best way to learn English.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

We (our group) disagree with this statement. When you travel to another country, you have to speak in the native language whether wanted or not.
In a virtual school you can't practise the pronounciation. In a virtual school you haven't got a teacher who corrects you at the moment.

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